
  • PUB salesOrder.created

    Inform about a new sales order

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a new sales order


  • PUB salesOrder.sent

    Inform about a sales order sent

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a sales order sent


  • PUB salesOrder.updated

    Inform about a sales order updated

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a sales order updated


  • PUB salesOrder.imported

    Inform about a sales order imported

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a sales order imported


  • PUB salesOrder.released

    Inform about a sales order released

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a sales order release


  • PUB salesOrder.dispatched

    Inform about a sales order dispatched

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a sales order dispatched


  • PUB salesOrder.autoshipmentProcessed

    Inform about a sales order auto shipment processed

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a sales order auto shipment processed


  • PUB salesOrder.archived

    Inform about a sales order archived

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a sales order archived


  • PUB salesOrder.protocolCreated

    Inform about a sales order protocol

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a sales order protocol


  • PUB salesOrder.positionCreated

    Inform about a new sales order position

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a new sales order position


  • PUB user.changedPage

    Triggered when the user visits a new page

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Triggered when the user visits a new page


  • PUB user.loggedIn

    Inform about a successful login operation of a user

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a successful login operation of a user


  • PUB user.loggedOut

    Inform about a logout operation of a user

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a logout operation of a user


  • PUB product.created

    Inform about a new product

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a new product


  • PUB product.updated

    Inform about an updated product

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about an updated product


  • PUB product.deleted

    Inform about a deleted product

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a deleted product


  • PUB product.propertiesCreated

    Inform about a new product property

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about new product properties


  • PUB product.propertiesUpdated

    Inform about an updated product property

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about updated product properties


  • PUB product.propertiesDeleted

    Inform about a deleted product property

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about deleted product properties


  • PUB product.tagsReplaced

    Inform about product tags replacement

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Information about replaced product tags


  • PUB product.variantCreated

    Inform about a product variant creation

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a new product variant


  • PUB salesPrice.created

    Inform about new SalesPrice

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about new SalesPrice


  • PUB salesPrice.updated

    Inform about updated SalesPrice

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about updated SalesPrice


  • PUB salesPrice.deleted

    Inform about removal of SalesPrice

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about removal of SalesPrice


  • PUB purchasePrice.created

    Inform about a new purchase price

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a new purchase price


  • PUB purchasePrice.updated

    Inform about purchase price updated

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about an updated purchase price


  • PUB purchasePrice.deleted

    Inform about purchase price deleted

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a deleted purchase price


  • PUB productCategory.created

    Inform about a new product category

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a new product category


  • PUB productCategory.updated

    Inform about an update of a product category

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about an update of a product category


  • PUB productCategory.deleted

    Inform about a deletion of a product category

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a deletion of a product category


  • PUB purchaseOrder.created

    Inform about a purchase order created

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a purchase order creation


  • PUB purchaseOrder.sent

    Inform about a purchase order sent

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a purchase order sent


  • PUB purchaseOrder.updated

    Inform about a purchase order updated

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a purchase order update


  • PUB purchaseOrder.released

    Inform about a purchase order released

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a purchase order released


  • PUB purchaseOrder.archived

    Inform about a purchase order archived

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a purchase order archived


  • PUB purchaseOrder.canceled

    Inform about a purchase order canceled

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a purchase order cancellation


  • PUB purchaseOrder.deleted

    Inform about a purchase order deleted

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a purchase order deleted


  • PUB purchaseOrder.protocolCreated

    Inform about a purchase order protocol created

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about an purchase order protocol created


  • PUB return.created

    Inform about a return created

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a return creation


  • PUB return.sent

    Inform about a return sent

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a return sent


  • PUB return.updated

    Inform about a return updated

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a return update


  • PUB return.released

    Inform about a return released

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a return released


  • PUB return.archived

    Inform about a return archived

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a return archived


  • PUB return.canceled

    Inform about a return canceled

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a return canceled


  • PUB return.deleted

    Inform about a return deleted

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a return deleted


  • PUB return.protocolCreated

    Inform about an return protocol created

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about an return protocol created


  • PUB deliveryNote.created

    Inform about a delivery note created

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a delivery note creation


  • PUB deliveryNote.sent

    Inform about a delivery note sent

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a delivery note sent


  • PUB deliveryNote.updated

    Inform about a delivery note updated

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a delivery note updated


  • PUB deliveryNote.released

    Inform about a delivery note released

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a delivery note released


  • PUB deliveryNote.archived

    Inform about a delivery note archived

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a delivery note archived


  • PUB deliveryNote.canceled

    Inform about a delivery note canceled

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a delivery note canceled


  • PUB deliveryNote.deleted

    Inform about a delivery note deleted

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a delivery note deleted


  • PUB deliveryNote.protocolCreated

    Inform about an delivery note protocol created

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about an delivery note protocol created


  • PUB proformaInvoice.created

    Inform about a proforma invoice created

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a new proforma invoice


  • PUB proformaInvoice.sent

    Inform about a proforma invoice sent

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a proforma invoice sent


  • PUB proformaInvoice.updated

    Inform about a proforma invoice updated

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a proforma invoice updated


  • PUB proformaInvoice.released

    Inform about a proforma invoice released

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a proforma invoice release


  • PUB proformaInvoice.archived

    Inform about a proforma invoice archived

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a proforma invoice archived


  • PUB proformaInvoice.canceled

    Inform about a proforma invoice canceled

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a proforma invoice cancellation


  • PUB proformaInvoice.deleted

    Inform about a proforma invoice deleted

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a proforma invoice deleted


  • PUB proformaInvoice.protocolCreated

    Inform about an proforma invoice protocol created

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a invoice protocol


  • PUB production.canceled

    Inform about a production canceled

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a production canceled


  • PUB production.deleted

    Inform about a production deleted

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a production deleted


  • PUB production.completed

    Inform about a production completed

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a production completed


  • PUB production.created

    Inform about a production created

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a production creation


  • PUB production.protocolCreated

    Inform about a production protocol created

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a production creation


  • PUB production.released

    Inform about a production released

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a production released


  • PUB production.sent

    Inform about a production sent

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a production sent


  • PUB production.started

    Inform about a production started

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a production started


  • PUB production.updated

    Inform about a production updated

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a production update


  • PUB invoice.created

    Inform about a invoice created

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a new invoice


  • PUB invoice.sent

    Inform about a invoice sent

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a invoice sent


  • PUB invoice.updated

    Inform about a invoice updated

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a invoice updated


  • PUB invoice.released

    Inform about a invoice released

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a invoice release


  • PUB invoice.archived

    Inform about a invoice archived

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a invoice archived


  • PUB invoice.canceled

    Inform about a invoice canceled

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a invoice cancellation


  • PUB invoice.deleted

    Inform about a invoice deleted

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a invoice deleted


  • PUB invoice.protocolCreated

    Inform about an invoice protocol created

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a invoice protocol


  • PUB liability.created

    Inform about a liability created

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a new liability


  • PUB liability.updated

    Inform about a liability updated

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a liability updated


  • PUB liability.released

    Inform about a liability released

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a liability release


  • PUB liability.canceled

    Inform about a liability canceled

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a liability cancellation


  • PUB liability.deleted

    Inform about a liability deleted

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a liability deleted


  • PUB liability.protocolCreated

    Inform about an liability protocol created

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a liability protocol


  • PUB creditNote.created

    Inform about a credit note created

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a new credit note


  • PUB creditNote.sent

    Inform about a credit note sent

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a credit note sent


  • PUB creditNote.updated

    Inform about a credit note updated

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a credit note updated


  • PUB creditNote.released

    Inform about a credit note released

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a credit note release


  • PUB creditNote.archived

    Inform about a credit note archived

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a credit note archived


  • PUB creditNote.canceled

    Inform about a credit note canceled

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a credit note cancellation


  • PUB creditNote.deleted

    Inform about a credit note deleted

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a credit note deleted


  • PUB creditNote.protocolCreated

    Inform about an credit note protocol created

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a credit note protocol


  • PUB offer.created

    Inform about a offer created

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a offer creation


  • PUB offer.sent

    Inform about a offer sent

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a offer sent


  • PUB offer.updated

    Inform about a offer updated

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a offer update


  • PUB offer.released

    Inform about a offer released

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a offer released


  • PUB offer.archived

    Inform about a offer archived

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a offer archived


  • PUB offer.canceled

    Inform about a offer canceled

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a offer canceled


  • PUB offer.deleted

    Inform about a offer deleted

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a offer deleted


  • PUB offer.protocolCreated

    Inform about an offer protocol created

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a offer creation


  • PUB order.fetched

    Inform orders fetched from sales channel

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform orders fetched from sales channel


  • PUB stock.synchronized

    Inform stock was synchronized to a sales channel

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform stock was synchronized to a sales channel


  • PUB product.exported

    Inform product exported to a sales channel

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform product exported to a sales channel


  • PUB product.imported

    Inform product imported from sales channel

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform product imported to a sales channel


  • PUB storageItem.movement

    Inform about a quantity changed of a storage item

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a quantity changed of a storage item


  • PUB reservation.changed

    Inform about a reservation-change for a product

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a reservation-change for a product


  • PUB report.exported

    Inform about a report exported

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a report exported


  • PUB report.viewed

    Inform about a report viewed

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a report viewed


  • PUB extendedOrderProposal.execution

    Inform about the execution of a extended order proposal

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about the execution of a extended order proposal


  • PUB orderProposal.execution

    Inform about the execution of a order proposal

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about the execution of a order proposal


  • PUB dropshippingWarehouse.orderCreated

    Inform about the execution of dropshipping warehouse order creation

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about the execution of dropshipping warehouse order creation


  • PUB dropshippingSupplier.orderCreated

    Inform about the execution of dropshipping supplier order creation

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about the execution of dropshipping supplier order creation


  • PUB dispatchCenter.orderProcessed

    Inform about the processing a order in dispatch center

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about the processing a order in dispatch center


  • PUB shipment.created

    Inform about a shipment creation

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a shipment creation


  • PUB shipment.labelCreationSuccessful

    Inform about a shipment label creation successful

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a shipment label creation successful


  • PUB picklist.generated

    Inform about a picklist generated

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a picklist generated


  • PUB picklist.created

    Inform about a picklist created

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a pick list creation


  • PUB autoshipment.dispatched

    Inform about a dispatched autoshipment

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a dispatched autoshipment


  • PUB transfer.jobSuccessful

    Inform about a Job transferred successfully

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a Job transferred successfully


  • PUB transfer.jobError

    Inform about an Error on a Transfer Job

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about an Error on a Transfer Job


  • PUB return.goodsReceived

    Inform about goods received for a return

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about goods received for a return


  • PUB purchaseOrder.goodsReceived

    Inform about goods received for a purchase order

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about goods received for a purchase order


  • PUB paymentList.imported

    Inform about a imported payment list

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a imported payment list


  • PUB dunning.started

    Inform about starting dunning

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about dunning started


  • PUB outgoingPayment.created

    Inform about an outgoing payment created

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about an outgoing payment created


  • PUB outgoingPayment.executed

    Inform about an outgoing payment executed

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about an outgoing payment executed


  • PUB datev.exported

    Inform about an datev export

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about an datev export


  • PUB pos.orderCreated

    Inform about an pos order was created

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about an pos order was created


  • PUB project.created

    Inform about a project creation

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a new invoice


  • PUB importer.executed

    Inform about an importer executed

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about an importer executed


  • PUB exporter.executed

    Inform about an exporter executed

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about an exporter executed


  • PUB ticket.received

    Inform about an ticket received

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a ticket received


  • PUB ticket.replySent

    Inform about an ticket reply sent

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:


    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about a ticket reply sent


  • PUB product.mediaCreated

    Inform about a new product media

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about new product media


  • PUB product.partsListPositionCreated

    Informs about created parts list position of a product

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Informs about a new product parts list position


  • PUB product.mediaUpdated

    Inform about updated product media

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about updated product media


  • PUB product.partsListPositionUpdated

    Informs about updated parts list position of a product

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Informs about an updated product parts list position


  • PUB product.mediaDeleted

    Inform about deleted product media

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Inform about deleted product media


  • PUB product.crossSellingCreated

    Informs about created cross selling information of a product

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Informs about created cross selling information of a product


  • PUB product.crossSellingUpdated

    Informs about updated cross selling information of a product

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Informs about updated cross selling information of a product


  • PUB product.crossSellingDeleted

    Informs about deleted cross selling information of a product

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Informs about deleted cross selling information of a product


  • PUB product.partsListPositionDeleted

    Informs about deleted parts list position of a product

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts the following message:

    restricted any

    Informs about a deleted product parts list position
